Net Affinity Blog - Say hello to the future of hotel booking technology

These are the website design trends you should pay attention to

Written by Net Affinity | Mar 14, 2019 12:00:00 AM

At the beginning of every year, there’s usually a mountain of ‘new year trends’ content to trek your way through. It can all be a bit overwhelming, especially when January is so jam-packed with budget-setting, strategy-building, plan-making chaos!

We gave you some topline tips last week on designing or updating your website, so this week we wanted to share a few of our favourite design trends. The goal of these isn’t to make every property’s website the same, it’s to make sure you’re showcasing your own unique and beautiful content in an up-to-date, user-friendly way. The design of your website is not to be underestimated in terms of the power it has in attracting someone to book with you. Design, content and optimisation are as crucial as each-other.

Irregular grids and fluidity 

So, what are grids firstly? Your grid is the structure for arranging text and images on-screen. The purpose of your grid is basically to organise your elements. Traditionally, website designers will have kept text and images formally placed in a safe, structured fashion. But as you can imagine, if all text is perfectly aligned with equally perfect images, it can stifle creativity. Lots of website designers now defy the old, ‘regular’ grid and it allows them to create something much more striking. Remember: overlapping elements isn’t messy or disorganised – it can be the key to a very elegant look. Allow fluidity to seep through your structure.

White space

More often than not, it can be our instinct to think of white space in website design as an empty, designless area needing to be filled. But, as you’ll see later on when we discuss minimalism, white space should be looked at as its very own element within website design. Why do we need to overwhelm potential customers with messaging upon colours upon more messaging? Taking a step back and allowing ourselves to look at the website in its entirety shows us that white space has a firmly important place and should be considered carefully within the overall mix of elements. When used correctly, it will only complement your message.


We’re sure you’re no stranger to the ever-familiar frustration of stock photos! Even when you have your own bank of beautifully taken photography, sometimes photographs on their own can seem a little monotonous. Similarly with the personalisation trend we’ve seen across digital platforms this year, there’s a demand for expressions of individuality from brands. One way to do this is through illustrations. Whether it’s icons, people or scenes, the use of illustration will not only give your website an air of unique personality, it’ll also brighten up your content. By using icons to express your message visually, it may even help communicate with your potential customer quicker.


So this one’s been doing the rounds for awhile – doesn’t make it any less relevant! Minimalist websites are great for a few reasons. Yes, they feed into a bigger cultural trend, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they should go anywhere like all trends inevitably do. Minimalist website designs allow your content to breathe. They give your message space, and by doing so, make it visually clearer to the user. Too much clutter on a page will make your potential customers bolt, no doubt. Minimalist design is also perfect for mobile – remember, there’ll be more people browsing your site on mobile. The less elements they have to wade through, the more likely they are to get what they came for.

Are you interested in building a seamless website for your hotel super easily and cost effectively? Take a look at our website builder!