[Slideshare] 6 Ways to Conquer Mobile Cart Abandonment

Almost two out of five mobile shoppers have abandoned a travel booking on a mobile device due to poor user experience. This figure comes as part of a study by US-based Jumio, which estimates that in the UK alone £2.7 billion in the travel industry was lost last year after consumers failed to complete a booking.

Usability is one of the core problems facing hotels slow load causes mobile cart abandonmentand users alike. One third of visitors report that apps or mobile sites are too slow to load. Navigation and payment process were also featured as reasons for abandonment, with screen size issues blamed by 21%.

If mobile weren’t such a strong and growing channel, mobile cart abandonment might be a minor issue. However, with mobile traffic surpassing desktop for many hotels, it’s anything but minor. As of September 2016, our clients saw 51% of their traffic on average coming from mobile. So how do you ensure you’re giving users the best mobile experience to maximise conversion?

In the presentation, we’ll cover:

1. Transparent Pricing

2. Short Reservation Form

3. Payment Process

4. Quick Loading Times

5. Testing and Surveys

6. Retargeting

Check out the slideshow for our mobile experts’ top 6 tips to reduce mobile cart abandonment!

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