Does the way guests find your hotel matter? Do users from organic search book more often than visitors from Facebook? We’ve put together 8 questions to tell you where your guests come from, and how they behave once they’re on your hotel website.
This cheatsheet is for the hotel marketing experts and revenue managers ready to grow their hotels’ direct bookings.
When you know how guests find you, which touchpoints they find along the way, and which of your website’s pages are really helping – or really hurting – your direct booking rates, you can build a tailored book direct strategy.
Direct Bookings Cheatsheet #1: 7 Tips to Generate Direct Bookings through Landing Pages
Direct Bookings Cheatsheet #2: 5 Reasons Revenue Management is Essential to Building Direct Bookings
Direct Bookings Cheatsheet #3: 10 Tips to Analyse and Improve Your Hotel’s Distribution Activity
Direct Bookings Cheatsheet #4: 6 Essential KPI’s for Your Hotel’s Digital Marketing